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the stars return

Born of foul vapors
the wind sends a smell
of winter
deep down
in the forest beneath
shiny structures forms
like wings
screaming in the naked night
stars above slumber in light
before a full year of time
I will be there with you
let the light shine us through
and let the heavens open
for our glory and our journey
through the night
and all our bodies sleep
in sacred ground
and keep silent
and watch the light
where light is no more
when the moon rises again
our waiting is ended
and our heart is one

in the shadows

Fri vers av Lordslig
Läst 265 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-07 20:20

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Himla bra skaldat och dessutom på engelska - inte alla som behärskar det så bra som du!!

  Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
verkligt vacker lyrik att få läsa
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