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slow moe

Fuck the pose
loss my weight
free the height

seriously spoken token hope not woken
words thrown up not more
never a whore

gone last was smiley catches faces
im there where staires, hair
pull over bellie over cover
dont bother
lost my brother, and my father
dont try harder
faster, better, slower, shower

new eyes, show, cant be naken,
just upwaken, new world, new words,
so hard, yes retard

yes retard, yes retard, cause a cherry bomb
fucks my heartlosszomb

kite a sight, gloss loss, dimm in a night,
fuck no so, blue low, monday tomorrow flow
new grass green sow
fuck weekendshow, low yo

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Läst 269 gånger
Publicerad 2010-10-03 23:27

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