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A poem about finding piece in the nature.

One with the nature

Desert, sun and a boiling heat

is all around. Nothing is growing,

not a sign of a wheat. Just the

thought, caught the moment

and brought it here. In a

winter full of snow and cold,

it is just when the autumn has

grown old. There I melted

a spot in the snow, refusing

to realise facts.

Holding on to an inner

feeling, I am trying to reach

a place of relief. In peace with

everything around a centre

could be found.

In a calm statement

movements in the

environment are as one. To

feel all elements and be

aware of the nature

is a lesson of itself. When

body and mind can speak

together there is nothing

else in focus. When nature

speaks for itself without a

sound an endless source

is laying all around.

Like a half it is seen

as one when it is experienced.

Awakening some parts of the

body is like to open up a shell

and find a pearl. First when

you find the key you can

open up and see.

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av David Jemsby
Läst 359 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-11-07 10:53

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  Mr Lindemann VIP
Tanken fångade ett ögonblick

sedan ger naturen svar på den gåtan som människan är
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David Jemsby
David Jemsby