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Dead children playing hopscotch

Dead children playing hopscotch
dead children playing hopscotch

don´t mess with Texas don´t mess with Texas

dead children playing hopscotch dead children plaing hopscotch

over and over again they dance with misery
dead children playing hopscotch dead children playing hopscotch
over and over again they kiss his guilded hand
dead children playing hopscotch

dont mess with texas

dont smile at his severed head
dont die on me
death in the family don die on me

death aint all that

dead children are not playing hopscotch looking at you with empty stares
ugly face motherfucker like a fucked up face saying have a nice day or something

Fri vers av Kristina Hellgren
Läst 190 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-21 10:42

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Kristina Hellgren
Kristina Hellgren