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She waits customers, every day with her seafood. They paint her pictures but she refuses them. She doesen´t let anyone get near her, except for her few friends. Every day, she gets marrriage proposals. In her room, incense is smoked, her aquarium fishes swim in the tank, her pillows from India lie on the bed, and her paintings of deep things are on the walls. She smiles to herself, and laughs at her admirors. She´s got a tattoo and was arrested for her beauty. She lives in the haights and is married to a man she loves. The glow of a lamp in her apartment gives an enigmatic shine and her room is dark, darker than a starry night out. She wants to take down the stars and kiss them, and put them on her wall. All of them. She keeps faeries in a small box with breathingholes, and their wings (those who lost them) in a small satchel. She keeps incense in a small tiny coffin and a mannequin with gothic clothes stands by her bedside. For all eternity, she will wait people and their children, forever she will stay at the restaurant, by the sea. Anemones in her aquarium and seashells in her windowsill.
A frida kahlo painting behind a red drapery and a picture of the fullmoon in sway. The haights is full with hippies and cool funky shops. Her eyes are like the sea, and her hair is black and curly. Her clothes are funky and her jewellries gypsy. Her name is Anne and her husband plays music and writes poems. She has another name given to her by the indians, and her friends come from Indian reservations.
She paints and writes and acts for a public. Anne´s indian name is the one who is the daughter of the moon. Cherokee, she reads on and egyptology. Cleopatra is her favourite. Her daydreams, for even larks are supposed by some, to dream; happen eventually and every now and often she disappears into a world of myth and legend. There´s a picture of her wearing a Cleopatra style clothing and her hair the same way as Cleopatras with gems and stones an Ankh around the frame. Small beings in mud, small clothes for them. She barks at the moon and runs with it, runs with its sway behind dark clouds.

Fri vers av Kristina Hellgren
Läst 319 gånger
Publicerad 2011-10-28 18:44

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Kristina Hellgren
Kristina Hellgren