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The Vampire

Bye sunrise
bye daylight
I´ve said goodbye now
to daylight to beautiful clear morning

I am alone are there others just like me out there? Is the population of vampires out there higher than we think? The human race dont know of us, we gather alone in the sewers, beautiful or ugly it dont matter, we hide. Our secret is well kept and yes we can gaze into mirrors, we can mingle with the mortals, we are one of you, or not. So beautiful, so pretty, you are, you mortals. Inside the darkness we are, cold, clinging to whatever keeps us going. WHat is it that keeps us here? The thirst for blood, yes, and we sparkle in daylight? No, this is not Twilight, nor any other vampire novel. This is real, from a vampire to humanity, bye love, children, a normal life...I was made in New Orleans, 1oo years ago, by a dark handsome man, my teacher, my love, my everything. Today I live underneath you, in love with a mortal, unhappy and mistaken for a bum. What is there out there? I+ve seen so much, talked the toughest talk, bitten so many victims, drank so much blood, I´m full, tired, wan and sad, like the moon in its ban. Kiss me, as Lucy said to Arthur; kiss me...oh, Dracula, the old fool-smahsed Mina and Jonathans heads together and bade them farewell. Mina, the tough strong vampire and Lucy the seductive one. Burning candles keep me safe, the moonlight helps my tears, the blood I drink like wine...seductive, alone...I feel at bliss when I look at my crest.
Immortal, forever young, but growing in the mind, older than thou. I laugh at you-oh mortals, the life you are forced to live, the pain you go through, we feel it all the more. After dark...there´s clubs where we go, there´s nights to capture, there´s nothing in daytime, just death or then again, maybe not. I go to the building and sit there, crouching in the dark. Longing for a hand in mine, for love, but alone-only able to drink, to kill, I´m a beast, a cruel beast, a Caliban, which means just that: monster.


Fri vers av Kristina Hellgren
Läst 179 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-21 10:52

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Kristina Hellgren
Kristina Hellgren