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One day, on her wedding day, the bride Mary was let down by her lover. He never showed up, and she was left standing at the altar all alone. Years passed and she died, some say it was from a broken heart. Her man showed up a few years later and found the house in shambles, the weeds rotten, the curtains dancing in the breeze. Windows smashed and all furtniture old and covered in cobweb. Suddenly, he saw his bethrothed. Unaware of her death, he walked up towards her and said in her ear: Im sorry I left you for all those years, but there was somebody else for me, and you didnt seem to fit me back then...he turned to his bride who smiled at him, with sorrow seeping out of her eyes. He felt her pain inside his heart and took her up on his horse. They rode together towards the homestead, and his brides arms were wrapped around him. Underneath the moonlight, the fiance could see that her arms were mere bones and that her dress was torn and moth eaten. But he thought he was tired and since it was Halloween, he was imagining things. He could not know his bride was a corpse. At the homstead he stopped his horse and mounted it. He spoke: This is our home, please come inside. And as he did so, he lifted his gaze towards his bride and...SCREAMED. He could tell that she was a skeleton and long, bony fingers came towards him and a dry, crackling voice said; FOREVER, MY LOVE...FOREVER.

The end.

Fri vers av Kristina Hellgren
Läst 155 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-21 16:09

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Kristina Hellgren
Kristina Hellgren