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Ghost 2

You could tell they were a cute couple. Everyone loved them and they loved everyone, together they were wonderful and they were destined to be a couple. But one day, he left her and she was all alone, dumped and got fat and dull and lazy. Everybody around her grieved with her and even though they tried to cheer her up, she fattened herself like a pig and wallowed in her grief. One day she passed away, allegedly from a broken heart.

One day, her ex boyfriend was with his new love and past him walked a pig. It trotted past him and looked at him with those small eyes. It said: I thought we were to be together forever and that you loved me. Sheryl??? He asked with a frown. Yes it said and trotted away.

Fri vers av Kristina Hellgren
Läst 243 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-21 16:09

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Kristina Hellgren
Kristina Hellgren