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tugging at me
I´m leaving for a better place
far beyond this world
maybe wéll all be together
at that desolate place
maybe somewhere where sun and moon have
space stations and you can move, amongst
(Hr Giger) aliens and strange phenomena
maybe we+re all in this together as some sort
of bubble where we can all rejoice
at say tomorrow

maybe the three of us will surmount those horses
galactic intermission
where space and time has no meaning
maybe we can dismount those places
and enter seventh dimensional hexagons
or a palace built of stone
where inside a woman with hands lika Shiva
(moon crescent and eyes like octagonals) resides

we need to get out of the clutches of the monsters
and the clutches of chuthul´hu
we have been prisoners for so long
when will we be free
touching nothing but dark space

no boundaries unscathed monsters see us through
we ride the snake towards the end
yeah the end

space station
no answer no reply
the space cargo is in the ship
that leaves with silence in the universe
blockades none signals towards undetected planets
the woman inside can concieve with gods
the eagle god gets her pregnant
willows trees in space has gotten leaves
past Pluto Mars and Jupither
past solar systems and past the grace of a God
blinded temporary
hands hold eyes meet
and shut and inside the massive oceans, the wide
terminal space

ends and begins
and I can see the big space fish open his mouth wide
to swallow stars
Space child Baby jane

born to rule her tribe
mysterious beings in brown skin
with a swirlie on their foreheads

Baby Jane was born of human and hybrid alien
death alone can terminate the featus from the sacred walls of the womb
stars have gathered themselves for a suicide plan
to burn out explode in a cascade of colours

we are waiting for the lord
to save us

he´+s holding the blanket we pull over ourselves

one two contact

no contact

lost in space.

Fri vers av Kristina Hellgren
Läst 174 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-21 16:12

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Kristina Hellgren
Kristina Hellgren