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Locked in my own self-created world, stuck, can’t move.
These walls I have build brick by brick around this world of mine just won’t move, won’t break.
I beg you to try, to grab a sledgehammer and try to tear this piece of shit to pieces.
Because I haven’t seen the sun, or felt the pouring rain touch my skin in ages, neither can I remember the last time I heard the wind whisper to the leaves at night.
I am being eaten alive from the inside out here, slowly and it hurts like hell.
All I have is you, my friend, my misery, my love.
You are wild as the roaring ocean, and beautiful as any horizon out there and you are the only one, my soulmate in disguise.
If you can do this, set me free, then I will hang you on my wall like a live painting, a living canvas, you will forever be my own perfect piece of art.

Övriga genrer av timetoshine
Läst 232 gånger
Publicerad 2011-03-03 19:14

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