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Lethes nightingale
the Heath
the staircase in Rome
Hampstead Heath house
the unicorn sneaks away
and all the "Souls of poets dead and gone"
and the poetrysouls of Hades
are now withered, faded, like bones in a museum,
gnawed on by weary mice
their homes are now museums where books lie,
behind ropes:

Bronte, Shelley, Byron and George Bernard Shaw
the broken lung, the broken life
the broken death
you died in Rome, TB,
Fanny Brawne recieved a hopeful note;
when you are two weeks dead
don´t breathe on me, you said,
it comes like ice
moist italian clay
your life

a religion of death
was it an ode?
that took your life away?

"We hate poetry that has a palpable design on us"
you were quoted

Oh dear Keats allready older than you were
did you detest death when it came to you?
Were you "half in love with easeful death"?
An ode to a nightingale,
a grecian urn.


goodbye, Poet.

Fri vers av Kristina Hellgren
Läst 216 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-04-09 16:44

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  Göran P Rödholm VIP
Underbart att läsa en dikt om en av de stora mästarna. Och du har rätt, det är svårt att göra det annat än på engelska. Keats tror ju många att han hade blivit den största poeten av alla tider om han fått leva längre än sina 26 år. Din dikt här är så intressant och blir bättre för varje gång jag läser den.
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Kristina Hellgren
Kristina Hellgren