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Såg Adaptation igår. kändes bra. det här kom ur mig.

thoughts of adaptation

I wish I had a typewriter. A type that writes. I mean, how innovative is it to sit by your 2011 computer and just being able to delete whenever you desire? I want to be frustrated over that my typewriter does not have a delete-button and I want to rip the page out of the machine and just scream: ”screw this crap! I want a real computer!” While walking away anxiously as I wonder why I just did that, the whole page was filled with words of great meaning and my deadline is coming up, it's coming up real soon. Why did I just do that? I hate myself. Monkey. I look like one.

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Läst 306 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-29 21:53

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