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C R E A c T I V I T Y :

Creativity + Activity = Creactivity

~ Creativity seems unbound in its' nature... it unlocks, enlightens, it just is... It just arrives. One (I) cannot force genuine creativity. It is being, without thinking, non-expressable with words, for if one tries, then -poof- it vanishes. Dancing, painting, drawing, poetry, singing, composing music, dissolving problems in a glimpse of a nano-second: being a walking & talking & breathing incarnation of (illogical?) creativity. And so much more.

~ Activity seemingly, at least, more thought based, rooted in a thought... "Cogito Ergo Sum" : "I think, therefore I am"... I think, therefore I act...? ... for thoughts are action(?)

What if one merely is... In a state of unbound thinking : in creactivity?

Övriga genrer av LEVerEra
Läst 301 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-06-21 11:45

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