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En engelsk textad novell, första novellen jag skrivit med utländskt text. Låt mig veta vad ni tycker.

Tears of a fallen soul.

Tears ran down my chin and I was soon to realize that it wasn’t a dream, shocked is what I was.
As I looked out the broken window panel I could see the hell my old street had become, fire rained down on all the poor souls who were unfortunate to not have a rifle. The fire exchange between the two factions was brutal, limbs were lost and people fell in droves. How could this be? I asked myself. Why was it that two former allies were exchanging fire in the middle of a populated street? It was all a sad story. A huge explosion rocked my house and I was soon finding myself falling down the stairs from the second floor of our house. I banged my head pretty hard but I didn’t find it hard to overcome the vulgar pain that rushed inside my head. I realized that the safest place of the house would probably be the basement, just like in the movies. A quick and hastefull decision was made and soon I was sprinting towards the old battered wooden door. It was locked, I panicked, maybe I could get out from the back door and then run like a bat out of hell? No that wasn’t even to think about, the drones up in the sky would see my heat signature before I would even be through the door. Shit! That was all that came out of my mouth at the time, it seemed like the only fitting thing to say refering to the situation I was in. My head was pounding from the fall and made it hard to think. I could…Or could I? Maybe I could crawl out the front door and hide myself amongst one of the factions? The risk was huge, one shot and I’d be on the way to heaven or hell. Should I risk it? It was a though decision as it involved me putting my life on the line. I don’t know, maybe the house would stand tall and when the fire fight was over he could just walk out and be on his way? I had seen napalm being dropped before, and firebombs being used, if that happened in the vicinity of this old wooden house, the consequences would be horrific. Another big explosion shocked the house and a weird noise came from the pillars holding up the entire house. All of the sudden his daring plan to walk in to the middle of the fight was sounding pretty good. He decided to go with it, he took a deep breath, tried to ignore the pain running through his head and opened the frontdoor. A sound of a hundreds cannons firing simotainiously rocked me back and my head started pounding ever more. He threw himself to the ground and gathered courage, he started crawling out and luckily nobody gave him any attention. He crawled down the stairs and felt the choking stench of warm blood, fire and gunpowder. My stomach refused but there was no turning back now. The street was maybe 10-12 meters wide. The distance might not have been so long, but the bodies, rifles and fire made it a lot more difficult. I started crawling through the piles of dead rotting bodies and soon I was almost soaked in the warm blood spilled from those who had fallen. I started sobbing a bit, I’m not sure why, it just happened. It wasn’t very far left now, soon he’d be in his neighbours garden which was surrounded by tall bushes, impenetrable by eyesight. It was maybe 6 feet left until he could stand up again and and walk like a normal human being instead of crawling in blood, flesh and limbs. I made it. I thought to myself with relief as I stood up in the bush surrounded garden. But his relief was to be short lived as a whole line of bushes had been burned down and one of the factions now had him in their sights. An uncomfortable feeling rushed down my spine and soon I was sprinting for the house. A man screamed loudly from the other side of the burned bush and soon their bullets chased me, the adrenaline was pumping in my vains and I ran faster than I could ever have imagined. The yard wasn’t that long but the flying bullets seemed to increase the distance, as if I was pushed back as soon as I got close to the house. I took aim for one of the windows and went for it, it was the first time I had ever jumped through a window before. As I landed inside the house I felt a pain unlike any other, the pain was indescribable, It was like being stabbed by a hundred knifes. I couldn’t help but to scream and twitch in pain. After a minute, I managed to turn my head towards my back and I noticed a large piece of broken glass jammed into the bottom of back. Just thinking about it made the pain worse. I laid in small pieces of broken glass and I thought that this might not be the best place to laying around. I gathered my thoughts and decided to drag myself to the frontdoor to proceed with removing the glass from my back. I positioned my hands on the glass covered floor and and pushed himself up. The pain ran through my spine and I noticed that my hands were starting to bleed. I tried getting myself forward but no, I fell to the floor face first and hundred pieces of broken glass now filled my face. I couldn’t help but to cry, Now I just wanted someone to put a bullet in my head and end this raging pain. I blacked out for a moment and, fell deep into a weird dream that was more haunting and painful than any other I had ever felt. I woke up and a weird silence filled my ears. Was it all a dream? Would he be able to get out of his cosy bed and walk down the stairs to catch his mother going to work, he would give her a loving hug and go get a nice breakfast. Then he’d go to school, met his friends, kiss his girlfriend. Having a great day without any regrets or sadness. But truth hurts, and soon he realized that the crushing pain was very much real as he struggled to get on his feet. A rather large pile of blood had taken form under his stomach and his shirt was soaked in blood and covered with a small pieces if glass. I felt dizzy as I tried to crawl towards the frontdoor, the pain still haunted but fight it I could. The glass bits cutting into my hands felt more now than before and soon a steady stream of blood came out of the holes in my hands. I was close to the door now, but my hands were shaking like leaves in autumn. I made it! I lowered my body to the floor and took out a piece of cloth from my pocket. I bit my teeth and got a hold of the large glass piece. The pain rushed through my spine as I pulled the glass piece out of the bloody wound. It felt as if someone stabbed me in the chest, over and over again. As soon as the glass piece was out the blood started pumping out and in a matter of seconds I placed the piece of cloth over the wound and pressed it down as hard as I could. It felt better, as if a pressure pushing me down had been annihilated. I pulled out all of the glass pieces from my hands and got up to find some more bandages for the wounds and found some in medical box in the bathroom. All patched up I decided to take a look outside to see what had happened. As I opened the front door I couldn’t believe my eyes. Fire was everywhere, bodies lay burned and most houses had been blown away with a seemingly powerful force. Bricks, planks and other debris were scattered all over the street. I stepped out on the front yard and walked towards the street. A strange suiting silence had fallen over the street and not much was to say. Burned and burning bodies laid everywhere. I can’t stay here anymore, I thought. Even if this was my home, it wasn’t anymore. I had to get away from here. I didn’t think anymore I simply ran, away from this hellish place towards the calm countryside. My family was gone, my friends were gone, nobody was gonna help me, so I thought I might as well help myself.

Övriga genrer (Drama/Dialog) av Zac Fransson
Läst 528 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-09-26 01:48

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Zac Fransson
Zac Fransson