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Gracing perfection

An autumn mist drew forth over and around the mountains and fields, and laid its weary chest upon the steaming warmth of lake Prauch. Around the lake’s rocky rim stood countless young trees leaning over the warmth of Prauch. All hurling their twigs away in the comfort. No man had ever seen the beauty of Prauch, her sandy lake floor, her water crystal clear. No, no man had ever had the privilege. But at the crack of morrow, there stood a silhouette, gazing out over the still waters and seemingly trying to find an answer at the heart of the mist. Prauch sent out to the silhouette. Urging it to accompany her in her own obscured beauty. The silhouette didn’t hesitate, it moved closer, encouraged by a lone breeze. It stepped in to the mystical water. Suddenly the silhouette would find something, for it colored itself in the smoothest of human skin. It seemed to develop itself from a long slumber, for now there was hair upon it’s brow, and it’s body now resembled the figure of a woman. The woman waved her gaze over the glittering water and ran her hand through it, as though she had found eternal peace. She smiled riley and succumbed to the joy of Prauch water. “Happiness”, did she bestow us, as her head passed through the shining water, and into the depths.

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Publicerad 2013-03-26 22:45

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Zac Fransson
Zac Fransson