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A Bulimic Fantasy

Skinny arms,
skinny legs,
trying to be well,
trying to be them.

Long way to go,
trying to,
wanting to.

Giving all i got,
trying really hard not to cry.

I've never been told im pretty,
I've never been told im beautiful,
but still;

with the hair falling off my head,
with the food going up my throat,
with the thick hair on my arms,
and the weight coming off,

I could never feel more close
to be beutiful and perfect.

Wish you would see,
see what I'm longing for,
see the perfection i want,
see my desire and willpower.

I could never be good enough.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nannus
Läst 324 gånger
Publicerad 2011-10-14 22:08

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