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I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. - Robert Oppenheimer

Trembling West

The houses around, torned from the deadly toxic wind. The grass laid dead and still, and the trees struggled to maintain an upright position. The howling wind was sinister and fear engulfed those who treaded in it's havocking wake. The wild life was dead, burned to death from the inside by the toxic air. The water, contaminated and full of rubble, debris and other garbage that made it undrinkable. Animals screaming alongside of humans as the bombs were dropped on that faithful day. The air was cool and heavy, some animals that had survived the blast came waddling around, with only patches of fur left on they're skinny body's and meaty dried flesh wounds exposed to the deadly air. Not one tear was shed for the destruction of this once so mighty civilization, not one helping hand was offered. Was there no time? No sympathy? No chance?

Venture in to this dark land

Gaze at my creation

Is it not beautiful from your perspective?

It must be

This is what you wanted

And so you got it

But was it worth it?

Killing millions for your benefit?

That's up to you now

You are the one who will wright the history of this event

Will the truth prevail?

Or will it be thrown into darkness just like all the dark history you hide?

You choose

After all, you'll only need one will to change this earth

Fri vers av Zac Fransson
Läst 216 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-11-25 09:37

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Zac Fransson
Zac Fransson