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Do Not Let Yourself Fall For The Wrong One, Pairship.se Has the Right One for You
Their Ad On F-Book Promises One Will Be Two…
Lucky For Me I Saw
Be2,com Single Mature Policemen ,The Law Want One
2Love And Behold We Are Told…
There Are “Medecins Sans  Frontiers” And Flying Doctors , What A Fate
They Do Care !And,  Love , Those In A Worser  State Than  Me , That I Can See
Others Hate To Love,  And Love To Hate Enemies Of Man And State…
To Walk With The Right 1 Love
How Simple It May Be , For Two To Be One Or Three
Do Not Let Yourself Fall For An Add In The Paper…
Choose A Lover Who Follows Their Heart And Not A Hater
Or,  You Are The One Who Will Be Sorry Later
You Know As I Do,  Be 1 Love And 1 Love Will Be With You…

Do Not Fall For The Wrong One, Pairship.se Has the Right One for You Their Ad On F-Book Promises One Will Be Two…

Lucky For Me I Saw Be2,com Single Mature Policemen ,The Law Want One 2 Love

 And Behold We Are Told…

There Are “Medecins Sans  Frontiers” And Flying Doctors , What A Fate They Do Care !And,  Love , Those In A Worser  State

Than  Me , That I Can See

Others Hate To Love,  And Love To Hate Enemies Of Man And State…

To Walk With The Right 1 Love

How Simple It May Be , For Two To Be One Or Three

Do Not Let Yourself Fall For An Add In The Paper…

Choose A Lover Who Follows Their Heart And Not A Hater

Or,  You Are The One Who Will Be Sorry Later

You Know As I Do,  Be 1 Love And 1 Love Will Be With You…

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av irenecbcn
Läst 476 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-17 23:39

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