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All the words everyone said.
Made me blue like the deepest ocean on the planet.
Everything they did. Made me weep in the corner.
Then they told me I was weak.
I went around thinking that was life.
That everyone had the same situation, that the people you call friends.
Hated you, bullied you. And if you got sad. you were supposted to tell them, It's cool, we can still be friends. Because that's how life was meant to be.
To be honest. I still think that's how life is.

Fri vers (Fri form) av INDIEPOP
Läst 449 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-22 23:31

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  The archil boy
Enkelt är svårt, tydligt och elegant- ja gillar.
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