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My friend Theo put great music, voice and guitar to this at the Release Party - from my book The Virgin Chronicles and Song Book by Louis Marshall Gould


You have almond eyes
that never fail to surprise me
I see the sunrise in your eyes
I feel the sunset in your lips
and a reason for living in your fingertips
tell me Sara
who do you love
who can you love
who will you love
before the curtain falls
by your breast I am calm
I'm in the palm of your hand
and you know you can bring me to my knees
it's your heart I want to please
a reason for living
that will never cease
it's much more than a tease
Oh Sara I hope that you can see me now
When I'm on the stage it's to you I turn and bow
all the roses are for you
Sara, You have almond eyes that never fail to surprise me
I see the sunrise in your eyes
I feel the sunset in your lips
and a reason for living in your fingertips

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 264 gånger och applåderad av 13 personer
Publicerad 2012-08-14 19:56

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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP