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The Call Came Out From Sweden

Won't you turn around
in victory
turn around
in grace
turn around
and you might just find
that you are
of the human race
No time for confusion
come on let's drop
the illusion
Half the world's lookin
for fusion
Half the world
finds that notion quite amusin'
I guess it's all a matter
of what you decide
you're really choosin'
Some want war
some want peace
and believe it or not
some want wars that will
never cease
maybe they are misguided
and need to ride on the wings
of a phoenix
go down in a fiery blaze
and in the aftermath
rise up, climb mountains
and then utter sacred praise
Send a prayer for all political
prisoners to be released
let's make a peace connection
it's a true reflection
of our eternal soul
The call came out from Sweden (and Finland too)
and stretched around the
Travelers on a thread of time
once more dare to hope
So, turn around in victory
turn around in grace
turn around and
you might just find that
you're of the human race

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 31 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2024-06-10 17:59

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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP