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KILL ALL HUMANS, fast på engelska! http://www.poeter.se/viewText.php?textId=1510107 Och kritisera ALLT, är ni snälla. Speciellt på slutet, är onöjd med slutet. Nuzudyti visus zmones, Gabija!


All of these defectively ineffective natural catastrophes
that don't prevent all of humanity's cultural catastrophes
makes me want to breed and breathe life into
vengeful Hunter-Killer biodroids
that will make every last adhesively conjoined lip
and molten mouth hum:
"in hominem salvatore"
and pray for penance
so come
join me in a mass of remembrance.

Apartments make you cattle
keeps us apart in constant battle
apartment complexes create dormitory cities
complete with mouthfuls of carbon dioxide
and handfuls of acid rain.

All city sites start with murder
all business rites go no furher
all letters are born as letters
are born as words as vibrations
and die as love vows
and sanctions between nations.

All is part of the same whole
as surely as lies are truths
love is self loathing
and we are the road to each other.

It feels as though the world will succumb by dawn
cause when I close my eyes I remember the visions:
the city in pain
animals aflame
kneeling victims losing the ability of speach
with bloodied hands reattaching their leash
people in fetal positions
and the surplus decomposing into fecal condition.

But every morning it's business as casual
I slap myself and it's business as usual
I bounce my head against the walls and it's business as usual
I shoot myself in the leg
put a bullet through my head
cause it's business as usual
I scream at the top of my curtailed lungs.

Cause I long for the reckoning
I'd prefer if all society was torn asunder
be it by human hand or heavenly thunder
but can't the elevator at least get stuck between floors
so my neighbors don't act amazed no more
but smile back.

For it's when all societal security nets collectively snap
and neither military nor ministers got our backs
that we'll go all out for each other
we'll protect the defenseless
shelter the homeless
believe in the hopeless
the colors intensify
and life takes one step closer
closing the distance.

If that's how the apocalypse will be painted
blast everything into ghost images with fractal spirals
make empathy go viral
give me EMP and the Big Red Button
save me from GDP and heavy metal-water poisoned cotton
make the world whole
and the world as a whole a no-man's-land
cause the world belongs in no man's hand.

And along the Joker's and Jehovah's watchtower
the hardened bodies are racing past
and at ground level the bodies cross borders
and become a heart beat racing fast.

Pour buckets of bodies and the rest over me
make it rain CGI-skies
pixels and dimples
marriages and miscarriages
all the days that have been
are and will be
are emptily make believe.

I have an ordination:
don't take a second for granted
and watch at minimum ever second sunrise
they're yesterdays that never gave up on tomorrow's prize
they give you nutrition and motivation
from plain observation
they contain everything we need
from moments of beauty to vitamin D
and heat that closes your eyes and raises you to your feet
cause it's first when all is razed to the foundation
and we face what we've done
and spit out the gun
that we can
build anew.

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Jimmie Åkesson d.y.
Läst 692 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-10-26 01:54

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Jimmie Åkesson d.y.
Jimmie Åkesson d.y.