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Till den bäste vännen man någonsin kan ha, Fastän man tillsammans vill va så blir det inte alltid så bra.

-Goodbye my friend-

Goodbye my friend,
I guess that this is the end.
Together we have been throught good and bad
And I guess that´s why it´s a bit sad.

I really don´t wanna do this,
I wish I could just knock you over with a kiss
But it was what it was,
It´s like a road that I saw that I just couldn´t cross.

You ment everything to me,
That´ is why I want you too see.
That no matter how much I loved you
I always knew that in the end it was to good to be true

Although I always knew who you really are
more then that you never had a licence, but you did have a car.
in my eyes, you´re always going to be a star
It doesn´t matter if you´re near me or somewhere fare

But 10 years of my life is enough
You made a big impression on me that´s why it´s so tough
To say goodbye too you
Is the hardest thing that I´ll ever do.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Mirrie
Läst 389 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2012-12-16 18:17

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