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A poem about changing the world....

-We are ONE-

What are we doing,
seriously though?
When and if we out from the fog will ever go?
then we would finally understand the expression,
if I hit you
that is like hitting myself to.

We are ONE
and ONE are all
So why are we in war, building some kind of wall?
we are connected to eachother like lightnings and thunders
There are alot of souls who still in blindness wanders

Controlled like rats in cages
we run around
without even make a sound.
but we already know and wonder how...

....it comes that the world
look the way it looks
There is still so much misfortune and hate
and many lifes around us die, I really hope that it´s not to late.

Is this the way we want it to be?
when we really just can break free
and if some could just open their eyes, they´ll see
that it´s within our selfes we must look
to find that strenght, that inner book.

I meen we all live at the same planet.
Among billions of galaxies we excist,
so how come we resist,
love and then rather hate and go into war?
...but that´s how it is for sure.
and if we can´t even be friends with eachother now
I keep on thinking if everything will be allright and how?

But I´m a beliver and I belive that everything into it´s place will fall
because I know that there is enough love for us all.
The time for changes is here
and the "wholeness" is waitning for us, not fare but over there.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Mirrie
Läst 258 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-29 12:11

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