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We speak of love




We speak of love
In poetry
In motion



We speak of love
In the words of a friend
Like something we try to hold on to
Like something we have to defend
Like something we know will hurt
We speak to mend
Sometimes to be forgiven



We speak of love
In the mud and the dirt
Out there on the field
We are warriors
We fight with our fist
To be able to speak
Speak about it
Again and again
We speak of love
Like it's something we depend



We speak of love
Like we are tossing and turning
With the waves against the shore
Cause it's worth getting lost
To be able to reach and be sure



We speak of love
In terms of glitter and gold
Like a "Yes" in a propose
Married or not
Love is not always a choise


Love will always fly
In the arms of a feather
Up there in the velvet sky
Among doves in the rain
With letters to be held


 We speak of love
When/Just don't do it
In demand
Please, don't you ever take my words away from me
Cause it's something worth trying
To describe
Even in tears, even in laughter


Set it free
If you dare
It will come to thee
Free to fly anywhere
It pleases
Our souls to go


Yeah come to me
If you dare
Yeah fearless
Yeah fearless
Love should be
My dear



Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Hon kallar sig poet VIP
Läst 190 gånger
Publicerad 2013-12-04 13:55

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  Lars Hedlin
Very very nice!

    ej medlem längre
Be någon skriva en melodi till denna!!!!! Den förtjänar det.
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Hon kallar sig poet
Hon kallar sig poet VIP