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...just a piece of a story!

On my way to go insane!!

I want to be with you,
I want to feel with you,
I want the same colours inside
cause I feel only blue.

During my lifetime,
Wine, drugs and bad crimes,
I'd like to change but I've
got no hope just bad rhymes.

You said you wanted me,
I've never felt so free,
The door was looked inside your
heart and drunk I lost the key.

So now I've got no force,
Just like the pretty whores,
...and the white light in the
tunnel isn't speed of course!!

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ground Zero
Läst 226 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-17 11:26

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  Jonas S. Lundström
Vacker maskrospoesi ! Imponerad
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Ground Zero
Ground Zero