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Förstår vi någonsinn hur det är att vara sina föräldrar? Även när vi får egna barn, kan vi då verkligen förstå? När förstår man någonsinn någon annan?

As is my father so am I?

Watching my son sleep through the night
Such calm shallow breaths
without a care
nor a worry

How could I ever leave his side?

Struggle with the thought of not being there
Letting it go since i cannot stop to care

He is the greatest love of my life!

I do not care if he becomes something
It doesnt mather what he achieves

As long as he lives life by his own choice

Cannot understand how someone can leave
How you can turn your back to your heart

As if walking away from the light in life

How can there be love, if theres noone left around you
Theres just you and thoose shadows by your side

Where there is shadows there is light
But where you are theres only dark
So dark I cant see

I will never turn my back
Allways stay by thiere sides
Never try to lead the way
I will watch them

I will wish them all good luck
But never promise golden forests
I will hope they see some pain
Just to make them feel the gain

Becouse you can not Love
Without the other
You can not see without the dark

Your all complete
As long as its all
In your hearth.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Patrik Valler
Läst 264 gånger
Publicerad 2014-02-26 01:35

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Patrik Valler
Patrik Valler