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Ruffians at the Gates

A band of Ruffians approach the city gates
while the red cloaked midnight watch is off on a coffee break
first they look to the left and then they look to the right but decide to lumber straight through into town on the descending winding cobblestone narrow road flanked by shops
of various themes as they start to have a look around. Cafés, pubs, hotels
and the ubiquitous merchant trades fill the bazaar lilke a promenade with their red scarves and silks and ornaments, teas and elixirs. Serpentine streamers and sky blue wimples on tall slim poles play in the wind. Chimes ring out their songs. Children and parents sport ice cream spots on their noses delight in the mighty high cones
with mountains of ice cream mixed with exotic fruits or seductive dark chocolates.

To the east are the
stables where the finest mounts are kept,
brushed carefully lovingly fed and then ready for a
peaceful evening's rest

To the west lies the
middle class idyll known as Stonesthrow with stone, brick and wood houses
their white picket fences freshly painted and
the stacked chimneys puffing smoke from warming
the homes with their kindled fires and scent the atmosphere with a
calm and cozy feeling.. The aroma of the burning wood
is like a primordial scent, the product of a catalyst that yields
a magical smokey invisible rope ladder that captures you and let's you climb
on to a higher journey within this cozy valley spiral of
streets leading up to the awsemome redwood lodge whose large doors
were carved by wizards with esoteric symbols and signs, - stars and discs of varying design in a breath of colours, heraldry, ancient marks and new ones too, Elaborate colourful mural paintings are on the walls adjacent to the doors.

Looking at the murals is like walking into stories. Back to the doors. Each door handle was plated with gold and braided with caligraphy. Or so it seemed until closer inspection could determine the metals and markings. For ruffians they were quite patient and pleasant as the awaited
the door to open which according to sign said 'any minute now guys'

to be continued

the apache kid

Prosa av the apache kid VIP
Läst 244 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-02 13:49

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