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Att jag får skiter för allt skit som händer! Och att jag är fruktansvärt arg när jag skrev denhär

Someone try to kill me!

Leave me be or carry me home!
Leave me hitt and let me kills you dont think im stronger than that!
People cames and goes peopel be calld motherfuckers whatever they are or not!you hitt me like that was my fal!
My hart burnin i´m not in loved i have bensin round my hart!
someone try to kill me!
Why people unhappy?
why people push down others?
All this fucking questions kill me!
I´m not so dam importent for the other people in the world!
You dont have to be stronger just rest!
One day the world gona kill it selfs!
The questin is to mutch but the answears doesent have any mader anymore!
Someone try to kill me and the world!
is not here is inside!
everyone is blind for what happens!
They dont wana see.
Only tears are memorys now!

Fri vers av heavymetalunge
Läst 292 gånger
Publicerad 2006-04-08 21:21

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