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Like you said

slow down
there's no fire, there is no rush
Everyone will wait for you
just be calm, your Young
don't worry, in time you'll get to where your going.

kiss all your stress, and worries, goodbye, one last time.
just stand still, the air will move.
let it wash, and cool you off.
you don't need to stress, your Young
you have all the time in the World, to become who you are

but i know
you struggle with Words, you struggle with love
you struggle with letting people in, you struggle with letting go

but i know
that people come and go
i know that people hurt you
but have you ever stopped and listen
ignoring the noise, of peoples hearts in the moment
and listened to your own,
just slow it down, just listen
ignore others cries for annihilation, and listen to your own.

How odd life could be
if you've only said no, and i've only said yes
Instead we are both dying seperate, looking for a way.
a way to get by, a way to forget, those days we spend together,
just looking for a way.

And you used to say; slow it down
there's no fire, there is no rush
Everyone will wait
just be calm, your Young.
well, you're one to talk
constantly spending time searching, for who you are.

gone a Little bit too late, gone a Little bit too soon
maybe if you stopped looking so hard, you'd find, that i'm still here
still on your side, if you so arrived late, or on time
but lately i've started feeling, like i'm Always halfway there
like i'm left on the wrong side of the grass, feeling lonely
reliving past failures, too stop you from feeling so lost,
too make you forget you ever knew me
if only to make you know, that i'm not doing well right now
Reliving past failures,
with not much to show, but a lack of self esteem, and bad postures
And i know i drove myself into this, with bad feelings and thoughts

How odd life could be
if you've only said no, and i've only said yes
Instead we are both dying, seperate, looking for a way.
a way which no one teached us how to wander,
a way which we had to figure out by ourself
a way to get by, a way to forget
but in the end, its Always been, like you used to say

slow down
there's no fire, there is no rush
Everyone will wait for you
just be calm, your Young
don't worry, in time you'll get to where your going.
and in the end,
it's as good as you said
that this is as good as it gets.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Thornum
Läst 398 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-04-18 23:33

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