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a vintage botthle of champagne awaits abides in California


Hey Heather
I lost the right to kiss you
I reserve the right to miss you
and I'm missing you tonight
the road lies twisted
in the August breeze
coming in from the sea
it bends and curves and
seems to start again
the trees
shimmer and sway
fresh for lovers
who tomorrow
will walk this way
my heartbeats seek to
win the day like violin strings
that touch the inner secret of secrets
and play music unique and intricate
and I wish my heartbeats would
find their home in you
I lost the right to kiss you
but I reserve the right to miss you
and I'm missing you tonight
the willow knows
the sound it makes in the wind
is like a bird ruffling its feathers
I'm lying in this field of heather
I can't change the past
but I can grow
Heather, I can grow

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 185 gånger och applåderad av 13 personer
Publicerad 2015-05-26 10:00

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  Solitaire VIP
Vilket vackert skaldat
om bot och bättring!
Hoppas det funkar ;-)

    Jenny C
Nice! :)
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP