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the spell is broken

The spell is broken
what once was found
is now again lost
the question pleads
at what mortal cost
a dashing young man
and a fair young wench
who wore her hair in
a twist of French
this couple defied commen sense
with love as the prize
and towards a happy end
where you go life follows
but fate intervened
twice in this tale
what started with motion
ended with mail
the years took their cost
and doomed him to fail
now gather the ashes
and rise not pale
with sunshine and moonshine
this story could prevail
with a goblet of wine
and a tankard of ale
wandering over hill and dale
the future beckons once again
and hearts are set to mend

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 240 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2015-07-26 07:20

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Vi vandrar i smärtans dalar å ger synbarligen upp, kan de förledas att tro...

  Solitaire VIP
Go to the goblet with your joy,
Never with your sorrow
Dont stay in the past, poor boy!
Your fortune is spelled 'tomorrow'

En fin, sorgsen dikt!
Vi behöver beröras av sådana,
lika väl som av de lyckliga texterna.
Ditt poetiska fingeravtryck är tydligt här.
Gillar mycket!
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP