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Before you leave
I wish i am brave
I hate that you know habits and hopes of mine
I never told you
But i wish i was brave
Oh how easily
you undress me

Barefoot i stand in the sand with a gum sticked to my toes
I waste the time you give me
And turn your money into drinks
Like a pigeon i eat all your crumbles

But you
You said
I couldn't do it
Watch me

Before i leave
Let me smell your sheets
I love that you know where to put my heart
I'll never tell you
You're the words in my hand
I let you slip through my fingers until we're completely apart

Would you fetch me a dream where we seem to have been before
Where the trees are high like
I am outside my mind
Like pigeons we desperately fight for the crumbles

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Läst 256 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-08-10 00:49

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