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en dikt jag skulle skriva i skolan för 1 år sen med temat \"the sky\"...

The Sky

When I look up to the sky
I just see the boring birds that fly
But it’s funny I’ve never asked me why
I don’t give him at least one try
To show me what he’s able to do
Maybe he’s got powers like a superhero too?!

The sky isn’t only big and blue
It can give me emotions too
If I just open my mind I will feel
What the sky can do for real
Why don’t you also try to admire the sky?
Just give him a chance and he’ll make you wanna fly

Of course it’s different fro each person
But I’m sure there is no reason
For ignoring the sky all your life trough
And thinking he is unnecessary for you
Just say good-bye to this stupid lie
Hurry outside and discover what he doesn’t want to hide

When it’s dark outside
I just wanna go home and hide
But why would he want to scare me?
Maybe he just wants me to see his beauty
His job isn’t as easy as drinking a cup of tea
He works as hard as we do to fulfill our duty

When it begins to snow
It’s like he wants to give us a big show
When it starts to rain
It doesn’t mean it will remain
All your life through
Just ´cause you might think he doesn’t like you

He wants us to be happy every day
But it’s not so easy when the climate wants to play
We have to learn to accept all kinds of weather
And make sure we want to live with him together
Otherwise he’ll be sad and cry a tear
And we’d never be sure if he’d ever be clear

He doesn’t even leave us alone in the shadows
He just dresses with his dark pyjama wile our sleep grows
Then when the night has fallen down
He puts up the stars all over the town
They are like friends at night
To let you sleep alright

In the morning he wakes us up with his washed face
With or without having left a dirty trace
He smiles at us when the sun begins to shine
And makes sure everybody is fine
The sky is really a good friend
From the start of every day till the end

Fri vers av kyara
Läst 278 gånger
Publicerad 2006-04-21 19:31

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