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Is this what I've been waiting for
I'm in doubt, there should be more
Cuz right now everything feels wrong
And I'll tell you secrets if you tell me yours
I have this feeling but I'm not sure
Wether I'm losing my mind

But hush my darling dont feel sorry now
Cuz one day all my problems will be gone
Oh, I know
Cuz every one has a story to tell
And every one has a diffrent smell
But I like yours the best
And I need you the most

I've been down for so long now
Been trying to get this life to work
Failed hard oh, and damn it hurts
Ive been on pills both good and bad
But none of them they made me glad
Feels like im rotting from inside

Hush my darling
Dont feel sorry now
Cuz one day all my problems will ge gone
Oh, I know
Cuz every one has a story to tell
And every one has a diffrent smell
But I like yours the best
And I need you the most

Times they change and we all change
But love will always be the same
It comes and goes, stops and flows
How it works, no one knows
But it grows, like the moss on a stone
Like a tree on its own I tell you, I tell you

Fri vers av poetenimig
Läst 175 gånger
Publicerad 2015-09-16 22:55

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