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The Devil in Me. Music, voice, instrumentsals by the excellent Nille and lyrics by me, Lou Marshall Gould

the devil in me (with mp3)

I'm told that water seeks its own level
And sometimes so does the devil in me
Days go by and I wonder why
I can't find a pass to paradise
That would be nice
A round trip ticket to be there twice
Silk tapestries and mastery
In something that will last
A lifetime through and cleanse my bleedin' past
Songbirds on my moonlit balcony
Whistle a merry tune
While I'm measuring coffee
And brown sugar by the tablespoon
I’m told that water seeks its own level
And sometimes so does the devil in me
Lighting Bolts and thundering skies
Out my window light up the night
There's a highway I am traveling
As my fate is unraveling before my eyes
Trees that talk and books
That walk over to my leather arm chair
Open themselves and impart
Wisdom that feels quite so rare
Carried on angel wings the
Celestial choir starts to sing
A chant of mystery (and mastery)
As I consider the I Ching before me
I throw the coins to see what they will bring
I'm told that water seeks its own level
And sometimes so does the devil in me

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 459 gånger och applåderad av 11 personer
Publicerad 2015-09-23 07:37

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Love it!


a flow
of memories
or not
doesn't matter
as their words
will return
the water
will always
seek its level
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP