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Baal´s Confession’s

Never mind, my brotherhood crew
The burned up child were just a Jew
Never destined for paradise lost
Never balanced to any cost
Never weighted to fit no scale
Never right - no chance to fail
So don't you care, my brotherhood crew
The burned up child was just a Jew

Our rights they are divine per se
The hung up child were just Nazarene
Just foul stench some Christ dragged along
Just whisper in the breeze - now it’s gone
Just empty barrel and hollow gloss
Just something to mount the cross
Yes, we are the masters, as per se
The hung up child was just Nazarene

Brothers don't you bother; it's just a Shia child
Heresies to haunt us - brought in from the wild
Order is to kill I say
Order is to slay the prey
Order is to fight and win
Order is - forget your sin
Well, brothers don’t you bother, it’s just a Shia child
Kill it quick and cut it up, let’s feed it to the wild


Brotherhood victorious, through pagan creatures blood
Sure hope he will be pleased with us; our feudal Master god

He is mighty, fierce and cruel
We are proud to be his tool
He demands and we abide
We are in it for the ride

At last there will be only us, and all these children’s blood

Sure hope he will forgive us then; our feudal Master god


Gunnar Asp

Bunden vers (Rim) av Gunnar Asp
Läst 308 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-01-18 23:14

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