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Aloft in this world

Aloft in this world
Senses please and disturb
looking for redemption from a harold
smoking the sacred desert herb

Going to extremes to find the balance
between laughs and screams
taking it to the top with my armour
of Prince Valiant's gleam

Bangs and whimpers
along the road
our hero limping to
find a field oversown
will love prevail despite this heavy load

Refining my lusty temper

Style versus substance
Living on a string instead of abundance
as the wise sage said
"We are the kind of people
our parents worned us against"

But perhaps there lies a life of cheer
found in the bosom of leisure
comradery among the Three Musketeers
and a sweet girl with whom I can share
the coming winter years

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 229 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-04 09:28

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  Lovisa Lindbom
Your poem has a bitter tone. It´s like you want to tell a truth but in the same time you don´t want to reveal the whole truth. You leave it to the reader. I had to read it twice. And possible more times if I want to understand it. I like that the poem is elequant and the rhyme in it.
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP