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A dream worth keeping

Running through the meadows
chasing away the shadows
by following the songs
of the wind
which sings of you
It is a beautiful view

Hearing the beat of your heart
even when we are apart
telling me to take part
in the elegant art
which is you and me

Kissing in the moonlight
to the tunes of our hearts
as one
Keeping the moment

Following my mind
in it's search to find
our eternal love
the streams
which seems
to be resting at the edge
of my daydreams

Resting in your arms
Safe from all harm
There is only charm

Seeing everything so clear
and knowing, without fear
that you are my dream worth keeping
which will never fade away

Fri vers av MoonCalled
Läst 275 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-30 20:22

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