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Natty Glasser put great music, voice and guitar to this and performed it at Izzy Young's Folklore Centum on Söder. Thank you Natty and Izzy!

She's All Angles and She's All Circles Too

Uh, huh, Cross my heart
and I swear it's true
She's all angles
and,...she's all circles too

On an end of Winter's night
at Izzy Young's
South Island venue

I fell in love at first sigh
Yes, I fell in love
at first sight

And you gotta know, yes, it's true
She's all angles
and,... she's all circles too

Beatnick hip and peasant chic
trading licks two blocks
from the Corner Avenue

Pearls and postcards
from far off places
fly in melodic notes,
sign language and vapour traces

Uh huh, cross my heart
and I swear it's true
She's all angles
and, yeah, she's all circles too

Backstreet bohemians cluster
in informal pews

high-braced accordian girl
and blonde soprano siren
blend and fuse
to seduce me and thirty-two

Conservatory oratory homage
to the back row guru is paid
I hear the crowd whisper and say
"So soon we won't hear this crew
as good again, I am afraid"

Friends and lovers
clap their hands
after every tune

Pearls and postcards
from far off places
fly in melodic notes,
sign language,
and vapour traces

Catching her eye
it's the moment's prize
coaxing her lips
in a graceful smile

it sends me over the Moon

Beatnik hip and peasant chic
trade licks
as the front row

In a moment of rapt candlelight
I fell in love
at first sigh
Yes, I fell in love
at first sight

At Izzy Young's
South Island venue
and it sends me over
Winter's Moon

Cross my heart
and I swear
it's true
She's all angles
and, yeah,... she's all circles too

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 246 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2016-07-28 17:12

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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP