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My twin with platina blond hair

This guy! This BEAST! This demon-man...

Got platina blond hair and a knife in his hand.
He lives on a shore where the moon SPEAKS!
Where crows fiests.

He´s a creep and his proud and his used to suceed.
He fuels his machine with green-solked-greed.

And as the doves seem to fly in midst of spring
He lures in the dark not failing to begin -
A CRUSADE; A PARADE - with skulls and wheels

A cresendo in the sky and the ground which bleeds.

"Come to redeem and bless this life!"
A prayer in the night
A cry in disguise

But Zion shut down and on vacation they went

A letter arrived printed with the word
And the signing:
"Heaven sent"

Fri vers av Mikloz
Läst 234 gånger
Publicerad 2016-10-15 10:19

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