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iPhone6 the one I call love

I got your lips on speed dial
As I run my fingers on your voice
I wait for you to stop time
With your name signing my longing
I got your face in my book
The one I read before I dream at night

And as soon as you answer my call
I am constantly reminded why,

why I always


Put everyone else on hold


You are a ten out of nothing
Embracing my heart with your charm
and I'm just telling you like it is
you're the one I call love

Fri vers av Hon kallar sig poet VIP
Läst 167 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2017-02-19 11:26

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    For Luma
av nån anledning (jag inte kan sätta ord på...) gillade jag denna mkt :)
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Hon kallar sig poet
Hon kallar sig poet VIP