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My Lady of Tomorrow

This is a ditty
where everybody can sing along
feelin' kind of pretty
steppin' out of a London fog

So come on if you're feelin' for it
depending on how you sing it
this might be a jolly song

Demon tobacco
a cup of joe
shots of tequilla and rum
and we're good to go!

Don't want to sing about politics
Just now I prefer chariots and scores
and guitar licks

Anyone can put on a sparkling tiara
but this crown of the four jewels is reserved
for my lady of tomorrow
the lady without perpetual sorrow

Between the new and tall shiney houses
shaped like giraffes and an elephant
runs a hare in a path of chaos

Cosmic dawn breaks along lines
through Haga Park
and darts among the pines

and the
day is set to start

Maybe today I'm a cynic
maybe today I can't read the
morning right
maybe today I need religion
to save me before blue midnight

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 181 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2017-04-03 15:25

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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP