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I was shunned by the stars
I am naked
and so is my lust
all shown before you
I beg for some trust
to improperly inform you
at the peek of disgust
A former glory
hidden by a few
amongst queens dust

Im so curious
cant we blend again?
scared and ferocious
two yearning kindlings
at desolations end
I love you dearly
but my flaws dont
in between then
my tounge remember
what my heart not will
the lonliness of strangers
I hoped your embrace would fit
but the joyful blues was anger
and thus my love filtered out as shit

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av DaDakK
Läst 285 gånger
Publicerad 2017-05-10 22:31

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    Johan Lazer
Den här var fin! Dra me i svansen.. filtered into shit :)
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