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Down on Winward

Mystic hobos play in garage bands
renting warm water flats in Venice second hand
a hundred yards from the Pacific sands
Three thousand miles from Powhatan's lands

My head is a thousand miles from my feet
walk out the door looking for something to eat for breakfast
The Cheese and Olive is right down the street
Van Morrison walks by and I'm in a Tupelo Honey high

While my legs are walking my mind is
talking a conversation with you down on Windward point
but you are in Santa Monica in a nautical gin mill joint

Shaking off depression
10 pelicans fly in a streamlined formation
ten in the morning on this left side of the nation

There's music in the street
rising up to meet the conspicuous heat
My former best friend turns the corner
at Fridhemsplan
I say amen quietly
and so it ends

Mystic hobos play in garage bands
renting warm water flats in Venice second hand
a hundred yards from the Pacific sands
Three thousand miles from Powhatan's lands

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 314 gånger och applåderad av 10 personer
Publicerad 2017-10-02 11:33

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