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r: from my book - The Virgin Chronicles and Song Book by Louis Marshall Gould

When I find my Muse

May the Muses
fly to me with the
strength of a Hurricaine
in the Bahamas

and the cool inteligence
of Barack Obama

May the Muses
fly to me
with the blessing
of the Dalai Lama

May the Muses
fly to me
with the power
of a Stock Market Crash

May the Muses
fly to me
with the energy of
a Seinfeld laugh

May the Muses
fly to me
show me my path

May the Muses
send me
on a hobo
Aegean Cruise

Several days in Venice
should give me inspiration
and provide just
the right vacation...

May the Muses
then send me on to Greece
where I will write my novel
about the people and
places where
I've traveled
May all this happen
when I find my Muse...

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 271 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2017-10-03 15:13

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