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Wine of Chardonnay

Wine of chardonnay
makes me want to
knock down the walls
and find you
and tell you
what I really
want to say
but instead
grab my guitar
and begin to play
blues chords
and I
listen to the music
and start to sway
in time
tomorrow may be
a brand new day
but this night
I just want you to stay
with me
the rythym rocks and rolls
then turns into
gentle and slow
fingers finding strings
and lingering
the candle's burning down
but the light continues to
dance and glow
in the west
there's a fire burning
shadows climbing and
entwining on the wall
in my heart
I wonder
what keeps us apart
is it a faith or a religion
do we really need
to make a tough decision
it's the hours
between nine and three
seem to have a magic of their own
that's when most
obstacles are diminished
lying next to you
our stories might
seem to finish
there's a trap door
with a handle on our
balconies and then it's only
a short ladder climb
that separates
you and me
at least for now
we could lie there
under the stars
and look for planets like
Venus and Mars
as wine of the grape chardonnay
touches our lips
and dribbles into a morning smile

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 187 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2019-02-22 18:22

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  Solstrale VIP

  Stay Golden
A real ''Right here, right now'' Poem ^^ Good job soulman!
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP