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Reconciliation is charming and bringing elation
diverting alienation
encouraging swarms droves of admirers
and drones
who threaten the quarantine of the soulful saviors
above the episode of dominion
the four riders of oblivion
contemplate a stalemate of nutrition abolition
attrition and contribution of the highest tuition
the eagle and the owl
take flight before the night drives away
the falcon's nest to the peak of the
mountain as clouds ring the paths
where hikers check their heavy packs and
perform the map trick out of obligation
centuries of path finders climb the summit
in search of enlightenment and mutton
while I shiver in my desperation meek and mild
trying to stifle and hide my smile
insanity enters and takes a bow
sensation appears with a wolf's cowl
craggy innocence betrays the special nature
of flippant suave suitors who entrance the
lady of the crimson soul and bow before their
own perversity adversity and sexual innuendo
escalates to a crescendo
while varsity champions row ashore
in search of calm and retribution
the balance is preserved

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 159 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2019-02-23 20:18

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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP