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You\'re a funny-looking rabbit!
Tell me why you\'ve come?

\"I\'m here to spread some wisdom,
and some knowledge all around!\"

But you\'re face looks sad, so honest blue.
And those tears you\'ve cried are humble too.

\"The truth of life lies in these tears.
Embrace your tears and feel no fears!\"

How come your sad?
A funny-looking creature like you?

\"The world has gone mad.
And it\'s too late to start anew.\"

I am not sad and I\'m part of this town.

\"You are still young, but you will be let down.\"

But we cannot give up! Let\'s fight for the youth!
We need to nurish and infiltrate the truth!

\"I\'ve fought all my life, I\'m tired, no strength.
It\'s time for this bunny\'s inescapable descent.\"

Then he was gone, this beauty so rare.
It\'s just inexplicable, it\'s just not fair.

So beauty has left, and here we are.
The day of doom are not that far.

Shall we abandon the rabbit, the youth of our time?
This funny-looking creature with fears just like mine?

Shall we embrace those fears - those loveable tears?
And let the world live through these demanding, harsh years?

Fri vers av Daybreaker
Läst 678 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2006-06-23 16:29

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