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A poem

I remember when you begged me to stay,
it sounded like the blackbirds were singing your prays.

It felt like I lived in a world of stone
and I felt so scared and alone.
Nobody could find me where I hid
You said you cared, but never did.
you said you would come back one day.
But I think I am happier this way.

I hardly dared to speak,
because you did make me feel so weak.
You just walked on by,
never cared to see me cry.

I hope it is not too late,
for you to feel happiness instead of hate.
Life is short, dont waste your time.
I know you can do so much good and nice

I have tried so much to trust
in you, but now I have had enough.
I thought you were so good and kind,
but you just left me behind.

like a bird you flied away
when I wanted you to stay.
Now I can hear the birds chirping with joy
I know I can make it all alone.

I am really happy that you are here with me my boy,
and you give me so much hope and joy.
You make me happy for sure
I can never ask for more.
Everything feels so good right now
and I really trust in you.
What else can I do,
when nothing compares to you.

Now that I have you by my side
It feels like a long time ago that I needed to cry.

So I beg you to stay with me
so that I can feel happy, and free.

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av Cassandra Taylor
Läst 182 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-12-17 20:11

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Cassandra Taylor